Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wednesday, Perpetual Help Day.
Faith.... wonders of life how people were inspired to go to church to attend the Novena in honor for our Mother of Perpetual Help.
As you listen to the intentions before the mass started. Wonders it is how people offered for healing, happiness, guidance, sorrows, examinations, abundance and many others...
Mystery as it is how God delivers.

All S'&S' Days.

Happy Halloween.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Bird flew

Yesterday, I was able to catch a bird who flew inside our house, put it on a cage and feed it in my own will.
Wonders of life how God created this creatures who flies inorder to live.
But due to misfortune, there system was distracted by people like me.
So there goes the BIRD who flew inside our house dead on the bird cage.

Hi everyone!

Good afternoon.
Welcome to the wonders of life...
Take it easy, from upstream to the downstream.
It's free flowing after all.
Never stop, never complaint, never question...
It has a start and it will end soon.
God bless.